Back on December 14th I was wandering around downtown (don’t ask me why I was hanging with the Christmas shoppers) and realized I had not been to the Hudson’s Bay Gallery before. It’s on the 5th floor of The Bay. And it was weird and wonderful.

Yup, that’s right, a wooden pig, with the various cuts of meat clearly marked.

At some point I need to find out where Hutton’s was. And why their models are in the Bay now. Then after I’ve solved that mystery, I’m going to have to make myself one (or maybe, two) just because I don’t already have enough useless stuff gathering dust in my apartment.

And you thought fashion only got funky in the 70s? The mock up of the store is supposed to recreate what Morgan’s looked like in 1894.

If you’re interested the Hudson Bay Company’s website does a way better job of actually explaining its history, but it’s way more fun to go down there in person. Promise.

More details about the S.S. (now referred to as RMS) Nascopie.

You see? In person it can be interactive!
If you have an extra 15 to 20 minutes to spare the next time you’re at The Bay, go check out their gallery. It definitely could use the love.
Loved your canoe-packing job. How many seconds did that take? ;-)
I will definitely go check it out next time I’m there! And if I ever have to go to the Bay with sprogs, this will seriously help. Thanks!