Tag Archives: Restaurants

Montreal Restaurant List (January 2013 version)


I’ve updated the Montreal Restaurant List. L’Arrivage, Cocagne, Hotel Herman, Le Renard, La Soupiere made it from the To Try side to the Done and Worth Going Back side. I also added a bunch of Sandwich places (I guess I’m trying to do lunch more often) along with Inferno, Manger Avec Eric, Café Mardi Gras, Rodizio Brasil and Santa Barbara, among others.

I’ll leave it up to you to figure out which restaurants are no longer on the list.

Remember to print it up double-sided and keep it in your wallet so that you have it with you at all times when it might prove useful – that or download it to your phone. As per usual if you have any comments, suggestions or ideas, please feel free to email me at zeke@zeke.com. And if anyone is interested, the previous versions have been downloaded almost 3,800 times.

The Montreal Restaurant List, November version


I’ve updated the Montreal Restaurant List. A couple of places have been taken off the “to try” side, some to disappear forever some to make to the “done and worth going back side.” And there have been some additions to the “to try” side as well. I’ve also added a list of “Must Eat” dishes at some iconic restaurants in town.

Remember to print it up double-sided and keep it in your wallet so that you have it with you at all times when it might prove useful – that or download it to your phone. As per usual if you have any comments, suggestions or ideas, please feel free to email me at zeke@zeke.com. And if anyone is interested, the previous versions have been downloaded more than 2,300 times.