Claudie Gagnon, Tableaux


Claudie Gagnon makes videos of paintings
But unless you really know your art history all you’re doing is feigning
“That one is like Munch’s The Scream
Some others are vaguely familiar, like in a dream.

Did Ms. Gagnon see them live or just in a book?
If live, I wonder how long it took?
One thing I find most out of place
In (To Beauty) the drummer is wearing black-face

I wonder if I made a tableaux vivant of Pastourelle à Vallangoujard that was kétaine
If they would put it in a museum or call me a bad comedian
Perhaps if I were to take a deep breath and count to ten
And close my eyes it won’t happen again.

But I really should give Ms. Gagnon props
According to the public she’s the tops.
She won the Coup de coeur du public Loto-Québec
I imagine she really liked the $10,000 check.

Julie Favreau, Ernest Ferdik


Who the fuck is Ernest Ferdik?
Julie Favreau’s installation pours it on thick.
Some hipster dude hanging out in the cold,
I’m not certain if my opinion I can withhold.

There are some logs, some plaster.
I would stop short of calling this a disaster.
The video doesn’t make any sense.
The longer I stick around the less I am on the fence.

This truly was the last piece we saw.
And there was no way I can hem or haw,
Ended up leaving on a downer
Although for the most part the Triennale Quebecoise was a good encounter.

Grier Edmundson’s work in the Quebec Triennial


The museum got the name of the show from Grier
As it references “work,” my initial thoughts were dire
But I figured what the heck and took a flyer
After going through it all and thinking about it lots, I’d like to say it is something I admire.
Unfortunately I can’t, although there are some individual pieces I’d like to acquire.
Given the state of contemporary Quebecois art, if some ads are c******, I might actually be able to become a buyer

Being forced to slog through so much mediocre art
At times made me want to depart
I would have liked to have written “be still my heart.”
Instead of feeling like I was wandering through Walmart
Where everything isn’t chosen because it is good, but sometimes because of a prompt.
In three years if it isn’t better, I’m going to try and again upset the applecart.

Mr. Edmundson’s mirror cube is kinda of nice, but it ain’t no Anish Kapor
The paintings of birds and sleeping children on a Ronald Reagan wallpaper
Are fine and dandy, but once I leave the installation, my memory of them dissipates like vapor
Trying to understand the Quebec Triennial is like some mystery caper
Do you think that there’s any connection to Mad Men and/or Dan Draper?
As for rhymes it’s obvious I need my barrel bottom scraper.