Category Archives: Fountains

Gratte-ciel, cascades d’eau, rues, ruisseaux… by Melvin Charney at Place Émilie Gamelin 5/5


+This is the 31st in an occasional series of videos on the fountains of Montreal+

Gratte-ciel, cascades d’eau, rues, ruisseaux… by Melvin Charney at Place Émilie Gamelin 4/5


+This is the 30th in an occasional series of videos on the fountains of Montreal+

Gratte-ciel, cascades d’eau, rues, ruisseaux… by Melvin Charney at Place Émilie Gamelin 3/5


Built in 1992.

+This is the 29th in an occasional series of videos on the fountains of Montreal+

Gratte-ciel, cascades d’eau, rues, ruisseaux… by Melvin Charney at Place Émilie Gamelin 2/5


Built in 1992.

+This is the 28th in an occasional series of videos on the fountains of Montreal+

Gratte-ciel, cascades d’eau, rues, ruisseaux… by Melvin Charney at Place Émilie Gamelin 1/5


Built in 1992.

+This is the 27th in an occasional series of videos on the fountains of Montreal+

More of the Fountain at Parc Lafontaine


While Parc Lafontaine has been around since 1874 or so, the town ponds connected by a waterfall were not introduced until 1900, and the fountain was built in 1929 because Léon Trépanier wanted one there, and was paid for by Westinghouse. I’m going to have to return next spring as at nighttime, it is illuminated.

+This is the 26th in an occasional series of videos on the fountains of Montreal+

The Fountain at Parc Lafontaine


While Parc Lafontaine has been around since 1874 or so, the town ponds connected by a waterfall were not introduced until 1900, and the fountain was built in 1929 because Léon Trépanier wanted one there, and was paid for by Westinghouse. I’m going to have to return next spring as at nighttime, it is illuminated.

+This is the 25th in an occasional series of videos on the fountains of Montreal+

More Waterfalls at the Hilton Bonaventure Hotel


Place Bonaventure was built in 1967 by Ray Affleck, and I would guess that while not exact, the waterfalls were part of the original plans.

+This is the 24th in an occasional series of videos on the fountains of Montreal+

The Waterfalls at the Hilton Bonaventure Hotel


Place Bonaventure was built in 1967 by Ray Affleck, and I would guess that while not exact, the waterfalls were part of the original plans.

+This is the 23rd in an occasional series of videos on the fountains of Montreal+

The Fountains at the Hilton Bonaventure


While the building itself was built in 1967 by Ray Affleck, I strongly doubt he had a hand in either fountain, and I would also doubt that the one at the entrance was part of the original plans.

+This is the 22nd in an occasional series of videos on the fountains of Montreal+