Category Archives: Québec

François Morelli, Moon Walks


July 20, 1969 and March 25, 1983 are two dates.
Calling torn flags, moon walks is like tempting the fates.
On the first, Neil Armstrong jumped around on the moon,
On the second, Michael Jackson made an entire country swoon

Eight flags, wrapped around a shoe
And then walked on til they were worn through
Not exactly something that makes me go “oooh!”

I walked under them
I don’t know if I would go so far as to condemn.
More of a curiosity
Than an atrocity.

jake moore, aerie: clear channel


Fur covered balloon
And something like a cocoon.
I not sure I understand
Kind of bland.

I distinctly remember one not the other
jake’s a she, I wonder if she’s a mother?
An aerie is “the nest of a bird of prey”
I’m not sure what she’s trying to convey.

Clear Channel is a large corporation
Of fairly uniform radio stations
If it were a sporting event I would boo
The juxtapostion of the two.

Thérèse Mastroiacovo, Art Now


Art Now!
Scratch my brow.

Drawing covers from an art magazine
Could be called Philistine.
But also a smokescreen

Or a guise
Whatever that implies
About stuff being sensationalized.

Emmanuelle Léonard, Le Beau et le Laid Ecole secondaire Louise Trichet, Tetreaultville


The good, the bad and the ugly was a film with Clint Eastwood
It not exactly something a priest would
Do. Le beau et le laid is a series of single shots
Of high schools kids talking lots.

Teenagers talking
Means I’m walking.
I speak of priests since Marie-Louise Trichet founded the Filles de la Sagesse
Apologies, but I digress.

Twelve minute, black and white video on an endless loop
Personally I prefer the Marx Brothers’ Duck Soup.
Even if some of the kids were adorable
The audio part of the video was horrible

François Lemieux’s work in La Triennale Québécoise


His website is hosted at The Discriminating Gentleman’s Club
His art looked like a shrub.
A borrowed plant, dumped in a borrowed tub.

Two letters on a wall
To call it art is an order that’s tall
Even here in Montreal

I don’t know who signed off on this
Not even close to a hit, definitely a miss.
I don’t know if I can come up with a stronger dis.

Frédéric Lavoie, A l’affut & A l’ecoute


I don’t think that M. Lavoie uses thirty-aught six
Out in the wild you where need lots of tricks
His camera work is suberb
It’s a pity that the word “great” isn’t a verb.

Making bird calls that sound like flutes
It’s animals that his video camera shoots
Taxidermy it ain’t
Nonetheless it’s quaint

A rarity and a surprise
A four channel video instalation
That I don’t depise

Mathieu Latulippe, Nouvelles Aventures


Making a shrine
Making it shine
Nouvelles Aventures by Mathieu Latulippe is mighty fine.
He’s taken some things and made them combine.

You look at it/them and you make up a story
In this case where someone gets the glory
Not quite improvised, more ex tempore
Because of the roses, the safe and all the other inventory.

Kind of like structured child’s play
I’m not certain what M. Latulippe wants to convey
But that’s alright, I’m quite happy using my immagination to figure out what he wants to portray.
Next time, instead of a boat, perhaps a cabriolet.

Fabienne Lasserre’s work at La Triennale Québécoise


Ms. Lasserre makes weird objects
Some with, some without latex.
Not quite sculpture, they definitely aren’t cast
On the floor, they were easily passed.
She also didn’t use a chisel or a mold
In a smaller space they be much more bold.

That’s one of the things about such a large exhibition
Pieces end up placed in juxtaposition
Which makes it hard
To concentrate unless you’re always on guard
But in all fairness
it’s really tough for four hours to keep up that level of awareness.

Stéphane La Rue, Mouvement No. 4: Futur anterior


Folded paper with colored shapes
Viewing this art there are no escapes.
Purely mechanical
Might be tyrannical.
A visual experiment
That’s not insignificant.

Haiku would be a better poetic form to use
But since all the others are in rhyme, it would only confuse
You, nor make you smile
Or groan, and that’s not my style.
But back to the art of M. La Rue,
To Quebecois Art History he is true
More Borduas than Lemieux.

Valérie Kolakis, Small Flowers Crack Concrete


I know Valerie so I’m going to have to choose my words
As carefully as if I were a Turk amongst the Kurds
Her piece of art has some cool curved glass
And some other stuff, that according to the catalogue, relates to her pasts
Although I can be very sardonic
Because they use the word “architectonic.”

It did not speak to me in a significant way
After thinking long and hard, I’m not clear on what she is trying to say.
Getting glass to curve, though is really cool
It’s not something easily learned in school.
On second thought I might be making a mountain out of a molehill
Because I’m worried about treading on what’s personal.