Last week I went to see a performance of the Cirque Éloize‘s iD. If you would like to hear what I thought about it, listen here:
Cirque Éloize’s iD
Listen (22:38):
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First off, props need to be given to all the performers: Ignacio Adar, Lisa Eckert, Nicolas Fortin, Jesse Huygh, Xuan Le, Nadia Lumley, Justine Méthé-Crozat, Baptiste Montassier, Samuel ‘Sam Sung’ Nadai, Thibaut Philippe, Jeremy Saint-Jean, Ryan Shinji Murray, Emi Vauthey, Kone Thong Vongpraseuth. I also have to thank Two Zombies Later for all the background music. Then during the podcast I mention 21 Jump Street
along with Video Mapping. I also point out how I had seen better Double Dutching
And better trials cycling (aka riding a trick bike)
But despite all that,m it actually is quite a good show. It’s playing at Tohu until October 6.