The second beercast/podcast on beer/Zekecast on beer, whatever. This time I’m drinking La Vache Folle Imperial Milk Stout from the Microbrasserie Charlevoix. Again there isn’t an awful lot about it on the internet.
Listen (17:18):
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I bought mine at Epicerie Unique, 4109 Saint Laurent, in Montreal. Some other links you might like are Denis Reid, the artist who designed the label. The Wikipedia definition of Imperial stout. And then I would like to thank Brad Slyde for the background music.

The Cole’s notes version: It’s a really nice beer, the taste, smell and look do not go together as you would expect. But all of them are good. More designed to be drunk in the woods or wood cabin during the winter, it is nonetheless mighty tasty at the tail end of the summer. Black as night with 9% alcohol by volume, drink it slowly.