I know it’s almost February, but I’ve had these hanging around on my hard drive for far too long. Back last summer the Eaton Centre made a big deal out of how they had hired Roadsworth and Brian Armstrong to create some sort of environmentally friendly installation to try snd show how green they were. I didn’t like it much, but that’s neither here, nor there.
Late last year I was wandering around through the bowels of our fair city and was struck by the fact that Les Cours Mont Royal‘s Christmas decorations were not only made out of various things (mostly old 2 litre soda bottles) that had been recycled, but the fact that they weren’t making such a big deal out of it and trumpeting that they were super cool and the bestest because of their design choices. Super props and kudos to whomever does the displays for Les Cours Mont Royal, along with some extra points for choosing to stay anonymous.

While I normally am dead-set against most things commercial, I found this particular tree quite witty. Using the bags of the stores in Les Cours Mont Royal as “ornaments” was a great idea.

Encore quelquechose que j’ai manqué.
Dommage que tu n’ais pas publié ces photos en décembre 2011… Je me serais déplacée pour aller voir moi même.