Category Archives: Fountains

The Fountain at Complexe Desjardins


It’s on a three minute cycle…

From the west side.

From the east side.

Blowing its spout.

It was built in 2001 by Soucy Aquatik. Originally there was a much more elaborate fountain built when the complexe was built in 1972. You can see pictures of the old fountain here.

+This is the 11th in an occasional series of videos on the fountains of Montreal+

Three fountains in Westmount


+This is the tenth in an occasional series of videos on the fountains of Montreal+

The Fountain on the Esplanade at Place des Arts


The fountain was made in between 1992 by Jodoin, Lamarre, Pratte & Associés.

+This is the ninth in an occasional series of videos on the fountains of Montreal+

The fountain in the Interior Garden of the Biosphere


The fountain was made in between 1992 by Éric Gauthier.

+This is the eighth in an occasional series of videos on the fountains of Montreal+

The fountain at the Delta Hotel


The fountain was made in the 1983 by an unknown company.

+This is the seventh in an occasional series of videos on the fountains of Montreal+

The fountain on Prince Arthur street in between de Bullion and Hotel de ville


The fountain was made in the 1982 by an unknown company.

+This is the sixth in an occasional series of videos on the fountains of Montreal+

The fountain at the Biosphere


The fountain was made in 1967 by Cambridge Seven Associates.

+This is the fifth in an occasional series of videos on the fountains of Montreal+

The Fountain on top of Complexe Guy Favreau


The fountain was made in between 1982 and 1984 by Pasquin St-Jean & Associates, now a part of Groupe Roche.

+This is the fourth in an occasional series of videos on the fountains of Montreal+

The Fountain in between Complexe Guy Favreau and the Palais des congrès de Montréal


The fountain was made in between 1982 and 1984 by Pasquin St-Jean & Associates, now a part of Groupe Roche.

+This is the third in an occasional series of videos on the fountains of Montreal+

The Fountains at Square Victoria


Going from south to north.

Saint Jacques, looking north.

South side of Saint Antoine, looking south.

North side of Saint Antoine, looking north.

In between Saint Antoine and Viger, looking north.

Viger, looking south.

The fancy programming of the water…

The fountain was made by Soucy Aquatik in 2002, more information on Square Victoria can be found here and here.

+This is the second in an occasional series of videos on the fountains of Montreal+