It occurred to me recently there is a phenomenal amount of art that is accessible to the public (as opposed to public art) on and around Greene Avenue in Westmount.
Catching Up by J. Seward JohnsonDetail of Catching Up by J. Seward JohnsonDetail of Catching Up by J. Seward Johnson
Detail of Catching Up by J. Seward JohnsonAtlas by some unknown artistAtlas by some unknown artistErotisme by Armand VaillancourtDetail of Erotisme by Armand VaillancourtDetail of Erotisme by Armand VaillancourtDetail of Erotisme by Armand Vaillancourt
I’m not quite certain what ghosts and clouds have to do with things that are erotic, but there was a fuss over the display of cartoon genitalia, and the ghosts and clouds were added to give a sense of modesty.
Detail of Erotisme by Armand VaillancourtDetail of Erotisme by Armand Vaillancourt
I’m surprised that no one complained about the bondage…
Bronze no. 91 by Hanneke Beaumont in the lobby of Westmount Square
Sorry about the glare, but I wasn’t brave enough to enter into Westmount Square in order to take pictures. There’s another one in one of the other towers, but my pictures were horrible. If you’d like a better picture, try this.
Bronze no. 91 by Hanneke Beaumont in the lobby of Westmount SquareBronze no. 91 by Hanneke Beaumont in the lobby of Westmount SquareMy favorite view of Westmount SquareThe Westmount Cenotaph by George Hill
Wars, and war memorials were much different then. There are 192 names on it from World War I, which lasted four years. And 260 names from World War II, which lasted six years. The Canadian Army has been fighting in Afghanistan for almost ten years, and I can guarantee you that there will not be any additional names added.
Veritas by Laura Santini
The less said about this, the better. I’m not sure what I was thinking when I took so many pictures.
Detail of Veritas by Laura SantiniDetail of Veritas by Laura SantiniDetail of Veritas by Laura SantiniMilestone on Côte-Saint-Antoine
Details and a complete explanation of what this is exactly are here. If you’re too lazy to click, it’s from 1684, 327 years ago.
Milestone on Côte-Saint-AntoineMilestone on Côte-Saint-AntoineStreet Art in WestmountSouth Asian bust in a garden on Rosemont ave.Painting in a garden on Rosemont ave.Sculpture in a garden on Rosemont ave.Painting in a garden on Rosemont ave.Traditional Lion sculpture on Elm Ave.The facade of Temple Emanu-el-Beth SholomA photograph outside of Dawson College
If anyone knows any details, or has any information about the photographer, title or why, I would be extremely appreciative.
Since I was talking about licensing images yesterday, I figured it would dovetail nicely with these three images…
Russell Young copying Damien Hirst with a bootleg image of Marilyn Monroe, I think...An unknown artist's painting of TintinCrappy close-up of an unknown artist's painting of Tintin
Last week I was walking along Greene Avenue when I saw these magnificent paintings in the window of the Galerie de Bellefeuille. While I don’t think there is a patent on spraying diamond dust on silkscreen prints, I would bet dollars to doughnuts that Russell Young is not paying any royalties to the Michael Ochs Archives or Getty Images for his use of their photograph. (Which if I did the drop down boxes properly would cost somewhere around $600)
And while I’m not entirely certain (after all I did take a crappy and blurry picture) but it certainly does look like a painting of Tintin, and again I would bet dollars to doughnuts (Tim Horton’s even!) that someone forgot to cut a check to Paramount Pictures for their royalties…