Tag Archives: Old Montreal

Musée d’art contemporain de Montréal, Pointe-à-Callière, Montréal Science Center, Christmas Trees [Zeke’s Alternate Art Ramble]


Episode 249 [16:28]
MP3 21MB / FLAC 78MB / Ogg Vorbis 11MB or Stream

Chris ‘Zeke’ Hand talking about the weather and then discussing the exhibits Blue at the Musée d’art contemporain de Montréal, St. Catherine Street Makes the Headlines! at Pointe-à-Callière, and Sex: A Tell-all Exhibition at the Montréal Science Center, along with pointing out two kick-as Christmas Trees in Old Montreal with Lisyan Pieries and Sabrina Santucci.


Originally broadcast on the Monday Morning After on CKUT 90.3 FM, Montreal.

20th Century Art at the L’Hôtel [Zeke’s Alternate Art Discussion]


Episode 174 [11:59]
MP3 15MB / FLAC 55MB / Ogg Vorbis 10MB or Stream

Chris ‘Zeke’ Hand discussing with Liz Pieres the 20th Century art collection on display in the lobby of at the L’Hôtel at 262 Saint Jacques W. in Old Montreal.


Originally published on Zeke’s Alternate Art #%^$#@!

‘Public Art’ in Old Montréal by Jaume Plensa, Fernando Botero, César Baldaccini, Jim Dine, Robert Indiana, & Fernand Léger [Zeke’s Alternate Art Ramble]


Episode 172 [16:35]
MP3 21MB / FLAC 81MB / Ogg Vorbis 14MB or Stream

Chris ‘Zeke’ Hand having a rambling discussion with Liz Pieres about some ‘public art’ on display in Old Montréal until September 2010. Specifically Shadows II by Jaume Plensa, The Volumptuous Man by Fernando Botero, Hommage à Eiffel by César Baldaccini (who also has An Ostrich on Roller Skates on exhibit in Old Montréal), Three Hearts on a Rock by Jim Dine, Love by Robert Indiana and Le tournesol polychrome by Fernand Léger.


Originally published on Zeke’s Alternate Art #%^$#@!

Méchant Bœuf Bar & Brasserie [The Montreal Burger Report]


Episode 72: [35:54 Total Time]

Méchant Bœuf Bar & Brasserie
124 rue St. Paul Ouest, Montreal, QC, Canada H2Y 1Z3

The burger at Mechant Boeuf, photo by Ed Hawco
The burger at Mechant Boeuf, photo by Ed Hawco

Méchant Bœuf Bar & Brasserie Part 1 (11:58); MP3 18MB / FLAC 65MB / Ogg Vorbis 11MB / Stream

Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.

Méchant Bœuf Bar & Brasserie Part 2 (11:58); MP3 19MB / FLAC 68MB / Ogg Vorbis 10MB / Stream

Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.

Méchant Bœuf Bar & Brasserie Part 3 (11:58); MP3 18MB / FLAC 64MB / Ogg Vorbis 10MB / Stream

Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.