
I’ve been slacking off. Seven months in between updates. Pretty much the definition of unacceptable. But after I give myself 40 lashes, I’ll promise to try and do better in 2018. As you might guess, given the time frame, there is an awful lot of movement. 10 places made it onto the “Done and Worth Going Back” side. Candide, Capitaine Sandwich, Foodchain, Chez Léo Snack Bar, Il Miglio, Pier 66, Poissonnerie Rayan, Le Réservoir, Salateen, and Thai Sep.
There have also been numerous changes to the “Not Restaurants” section, as well as the “Good Places to Drink” and “Good to Great Terraces.” But I will let you discover them on your own.
Surprisingly, six places were removed. Most because they closed (two got moved to another list I keep, called Obscure Restaurants).
As usual, Zeke’s Montreal Restaurant List can be found in the upper left hand corner and by clicking here.