Last week I went to Iegor – Hôtel des Encans to watch their auction of Canadian art (the first part at least). In total they were offering 350 lots. I stayed for about 170 or so, stopped taking notes at lot 149. It’s kind of difficult, keeping track of opening prices, closing prices, what sells, what doesn’t sell, and videotaping all at the same time… Next time I want to go with an assistant!
By my count (please take with a large grain of salt) 64 of the approximately 140 lots sold, or almost 46%. I have no idea if that is a good percentage or a bad percentage, although I’m, leaning towards a bad percentage. I’m going to have to track other auctions and other auction houses to see how this one compares.
Using my same rough calculation I would estimate the Canadian art section of the sale grossed about $230,000 – that’s including the 20% buyers premium and all taxes. (All prices noted here include the 20% buyers premium and all local sales taxes.)
The highlights being Tarozita by Jacques Hurtubise

Which sold for $33,493.95.
An ink and watercolor composition by Jean-Paul Riopelle from 1961.
Which sold for $24,607.80.
And a oil on masonite painting by Albert Dumouchel from the early 1960s called L’Alcazar which sold for $14,012.78.
Unfortunately Il a neigé sur Opinaca by Jean Paul Riopelle did not meet the reserve and did not sell.

Oh, yeah. There was also this pair of lamps described as a “rare pair of Moor floor lamps. Glass and gilt metal chandeliers on glazed porcelain Moor busts on enameled metal pedestal. Milano, Italy circa 1960.” And apparently they were made by Piero Fornasetti.

how much did the floor lamps go for?
i was supposed to go to that auction but had no sheckels to spend;
would have been fun anyroads.
Selon le video, la toile de Hurtubise fut adjugée à un acheteur au téléphone pour 24,500, alors que tu écris sous la photo: Which sold for $33,493.95.
Même chose pour `Composition` de Riopelle qui est parti au téléphone pour 18,000 alors que tu écris which sold for $24,607.80.
C`est moi qui n`ai pas compris, ou t`as vraiment besoin d`un assistant !!!
Comme j’ai écrit “All prices noted here include the 20% buyers premium and all local sales taxes.” Alors il ya une augmentation d’environ 35% du prix noter.
Unfortunately I have no idea how much the lamps went for, I wasn’t able to stick around that long.