EZ Montreal Art Podcast, Season 2 – Episode 1: Chih-Chien Wang, Jim Holyoak, Samuel Roy-Bois.


In this episode of the EZ Montreal Art Podcast Eloi Desjardins and Chris ‘Zeke’ Hand discuss As Far as We Were, as Close as I Can, Photographs by Chih-Chien Wang. Musée des Beaux-Arts de Montréal. Until March 17, 2013. Curated by Diane Charbonneau, Lyncathrope by Jim Holyoak at Donald Browne. Until March 2. And J’ai moonwalké, sans cesse, jusqu’à l’épuisement by Samuel Roy-Bois, at Parisian Laundry. Until February 16.

If you can answer the trivia question, email us at ezmontrealart@gmail.com and you can win tickets to The Builders at the National Gallery of Canada, which we discussed in episode 12 of the EZ Montreal Art Podcast.

The EZ Montreal Art Podcast; Season 2 – Episode 1

Listen (29:23):

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If you would like to hear season 1 of The EZ Montreal Art Podcast click here: Episode 13, Episode 12, Episode 11, Episode 10, Episode 9, Episode 8, Episode 7, Episode 6, Episode 5, Episode 4, Episode 3, Episode 2, Episode 1.