The SAQ is getting all jiggy because they have 24 of the top 100 wines from Wine Spectator on sale. I would like to know where I have to go to get the other 76?
And some dissenting opinions about those 24 as well.
The SAQ is getting all jiggy because they have 24 of the top 100 wines from Wine Spectator on sale. I would like to know where I have to go to get the other 76?
And some dissenting opinions about those 24 as well.
I (unfortunately) have another stolen art alert, again without an awful lot of details. I’ve emailed some people asking for details, but I’m not holding my breath. At some time, somebody or people stole eight paintings by Guido Molinari. I do not know if they were all stolen at the same time and from the same place or even if they were stolen by the same person (or people). Nor do I know when they were stolen, and I can’t even venture a guess as to what their value is.
All are by Guido Molinari and as per normal, if you have any information about their whereabouts, call 911. Or email
Popular Unrest, by Melanie Gilligan at Vox until August 11.
Normand Hudon at the Centre culturel de Verdun until August 31.
Christine Sioui-Wawanoloath at the Canadian Guild of Crafts until August 11.
On August 16, slightly less than a month from today there is going to be a round table discussion with Simon Rivest, Laurent Vernet, Gilles Daigneault and Nicolas Mavrikakis at the Maison de la culture du Plateau-Mont-Royal at 5:30 in the afternoon on Public Art in Montreal. More details here.
See you there.
Everything you need to know about donating art to the city can now conveniently be found in one place.
How they came about to make it can be found here.
And I am particulalry interested in knowing who was on the committee that decided to accept André Desjardins and the Academy of Fine Art Foundation‘s donation last week. Or because it’s on provincial land, do the rules not apply?
[EDIT: It seems that there is a tempest in a teapot brewing over the Desjardins Scuplture. In today’s Le Devoir, there is both an article and an open letter to Christine St-Pierre, the minister of Culture about the “donation.”]
More Michel Goulet sculptures. On Saint Denis in front of the Theatre d’Aujourd’hui.
More old and grainy black and white film footage of long dead painters.
This one apparently is from about two years before Trotsky was assassinated.
Back in May I published some photos of the Jackie Robinson Statue by Jules Lasalle at the Olympic Stadium. Well this is where it was originally, on the corner of de Lorimier and Ontario streets.
The statue of Jackie Robinson and the children were where the gaudy thigh high plaque that isn’t even close to being the correct dimensions of home plate is now. While they weren’t exactly where home plate would have been at Delorimier Downs, they were close enough. Now it’s just a joke, and a bad one at that.
Since the Expos have been gone for longer the Royals have (the second time that the disappeared) isn’t it about time that Jackie Robinson gets returned to his rightful place? Especially considering that M. Lasalle designed the whole thing, the statues and the miniature baseball diamond to be a tribute not only to Jackie Robinson, but baseball in Montreal.
I’m not certain why there are access ramps, but isn’t it nice to think at some point Montreal was forward thinking with regards to its public art.
I’ve been hanging around Ontario street down in Hochelaga-Maisonneuve recently (it must be something in the water…) and I came across this street art. Great idea and concept, some of them could have been executed slightly better. If you want to click on the link that adds no more information try this or
Between the apartment building, the McDonald’s, the Metro and the concrete, it pretty much is.
Last week Eloi Desjardins from Un show de mot’arts and I got together again to talk about the summertime art in Montreal. We’re calling it episode 2 of the EZ Montreal Art Podcast – get it?
Listen (47:55): Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.
The topics we covered were:
And then we finish up with some shows that we think might be worthwhile seeing
(And if you missed episode 1, it’s here.)