Tag Archives: Galerie Lounge TD

The EZ Montreal Art Podcast. Episode 11


In today’s episode Chris ‘Zeke’ Hand and Eloi Desjardins from Un Show de Mot’Arts discuss the various exhibits that are not part of Brooklyn/Montreal or Montreal/Brooklyn.

The EZ Montreal Art Podcast episode 11

Listen (35:45):

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Specifically Mathieu Beausejour‘s Le soleil invincible at Antoine Ertaskiran (where Chris ‘Zeke’ Hand points out that M. Beausejour pretty much copied Jürgen Mayer-Hermann). The multiple Serge Lemoyne exhibits at Lacerte, Yves Laroche and Loto Quebec. In passing, Zeke laments the prices of contemporary Quebecois art in comparison to other contemporary art.

Zeke and Eloi then talk about the Marcel Barbeau exhibit at Galerie Lounge TD in the Maison Rio Tinto Alcan above L’Astral, Winnie Truong and Max Wyse at Galerie Trois Points, Karen Trask and Andréanne Godin at Circa, then mention how they had a similar talk in French on the radio show Un Show de Mot’Arts. Then finally Zeke asks the trivia question of the week (email your answer to ezmontrealart@gmail.com, and you can win an amazing prize)!

If you would like to hear the previous episodes of The EZ Montreal Art Podcast click here: Episode 10, Episode 9, Episode 8, Episode 7, Episode 6, Episode 5, Episode 4, Episode 3, Episode 2, Episode 1.