Category Archives: Dance

Sanaa Danse, Angela Laurier, Les Imprudanses


Episode 134: [61:42]
(Download: MP3 MB, Flac 622MB, Ogg Vorbis MB or Stream)

In this episode Samantha Burnstein of Sanaa Danse talks about Oriental Dancing (aka Belly Dancing) a review of Déversoir by Angela Laurier and Les Imprudanses. The theme song is sung by a unknown and anonymous Japanese band, the dance poem of the week is Belly Dancer by Diane Wakoski and the music played during the show is from VinylCello by Matt Haimovitz.

Originally published on Movement Museum

Pierre Paul Savoie, Studio 303, José Navas and Compagnie Flak


Episode 132: [58:55]
(Download: MP3 74MB, Flac 297MB, Ogg Vorbis 48MB or Stream)

In this episode Pierre Paul Savoie’s Diasporama, Resistance at Studio 303 and José NavasCompagnie Flak performance of Villanelle and S are reviewed, and there is a brief discussion on teaching (and learning) choreography. The theme song is performed by the Secret Swizzles, the poem of the week is from The Art of Dancing by Soame Jenyns, and the music played during the episode is by Ensemble nu:n from their CD Salutare.

Originally published on Movement Museum

Maribé, Noam Gagnon, PPS Danse


Episode 129: [60:40]
(Download: MP3 76MB, Flac 290MB, Ogg Vorbis 48MB or Stream)

In this episode Noam Gagnon‘s performance at Usine C, Dieu ne t’a pas créé juste pour danser by maribé which is touring the Maisons de la Culture, PPS Danse’s Diasporama. Allison Elizabeth is given the third degree on why she wants to talk about dance on the radio, and there is a round table discussion on the New York Times article Can Modern Dance Be Preserved? The theme song is performed by Sharon Cuneta, the background music is J. S. Bach Goldberg Variations performed by Matt Haimovitz, Jonathan Crow and Douglas McNabney and the poem of the week is from Romance of the Rose translated by FS Ellis.

Originally published on Movement Museum

Paul White, Allison Elizabeth Burns and Amy Blackmore


Episode 127: [58:12](Download: MP3 73MB, Flac 301MB, Ogg Vorbis 47MB or Stream)

In this epsiode Paul White is interviewed about ‘construct’ by Tanja Liedtke, Allison Elizabeth Burns and Amy Blackmore talk about about CoMotion Farm’s Dance Week and the Indyish Dance Mess. The final part of an 11 part round table discussion from Circuit Est on Music and Dance with Guy Cools, Danièle Desnoyers, Louis Dufort, Matteo Fargion, José Navas and Fabienne Cabado is played. Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui‘s Sutra is reviewed. The theme song is performed by Barbie, the background music is from the album ‘Inside the Outside’ by Geordie McDonald and the poem of the week is Dark Pines Under Water Gwendolyn MacEwen.

Originally published on Movement Museum

Gregory ‘Krypto’ Selinger, Nicolas ‘Forty’ Nguyen, Daeyeong ‘Tabu’ An and Soo Yeon Cho


Episode 123: [61:26](Download: MP3 77MB, Flac 616MB, Ogg Vorbis 48MB or Stream)

In this episode there is a round table discussion on Post Hip Hop dance with Gregory ‘Krypto‘ Selinger, Nicolas ‘Forty’ Nguyen, Daeyeong ‘Tabu’ An and Soo Yeon Cho, reviews of Man + Mouse, Lado, and Victoria by Dulcinée Langfelder & Cie. The theme song is performed by the Mamas and the Papas, the background music is from the album ‘Figment’ by Matt Haimovitz and the poem of the week is but if a living dance upon dead minds by ee cummings.

Originally published on Movement Museum

Yvan Joly


Episode 119: [59:36](Download: MP3 77MB, Flac 291MB, Ogg Vorbis 49MB or Stream)

In this episode Yvan Joly explains the Feldenkrais Method of Somatic Education. Part 10 of an 11 part round table discussion from Circuit Est on Music and Dance with Guy Cools, Danièle Desnoyers, Louis Dufort, Matteo Fargion, José Navas and Fabienne played. The theme song is performed by Del Shannon. And the background music is from the album ‘One Take’ by Don Thompson and Reg Schwager.

Originally published on Movement Museum

Romeo & Juliet, Trisha Brown


Episode 117: [58:07](Download: MP3 69MB, Flac 595MB, Ogg Vorbis 42MB or Stream)

In this episode Chris ‘Zeke’ Hand and Gwen Fisher talk about dance in Montreal. Among the topics are; part 9 of an 11 part round table discussion from Circuit Est on Music and Dance with Guy Cools, Danièle Desnoyers, Louis Dufort, Matteo Fargion, José Navas and Fabienne Cabado. A brief review of Romeo & Juliet, the Awesome Montreal Dance Calendar and Audition list, and the first part of an interview with Trisha Brown. The theme song is performed by The Queers.

Originally published on Movement Museum

Marie Chouinard, Danses Buissonnières, Alvin Ailey


Episode 113: [59:36](Download: MP3 73MB, Flac 306MB, Ogg Vorbis 44MB or Stream)

In this episode Chris ‘Zeke’ Hand, Gwen Fisher and Rachel Ni Chuinn talk about dance in Montreal. Among the topics are; part 8 of an 11 part round table discussion from Circuit Est on Music and Dance with Guy Cools, Danièle Desnoyers, Louis Dufort, Matteo Fargion, José Navas and Fabienne Cabado. A discussion of Marie Chouinard‘s PowerPoint presentation, the graduates Danses Buissonnières performance at Tangente, and part 3 of an interview with Alvin Ailey done by Billie Mahoney in 1984. The Dance Poem of the Week is Every Day we are Dancers by Mitch Roberson and the theme song is performed by T-Rex.

Originally published on Movement Museum

Social Dancing, Rubberbandance Group’s Post Hip Hop Project, Hofesh Schecter’s Uprising & In Your Rooms, and Danses Buissonières


Episode 111: [60:35](Download: MP3 76MB, Flac 339MB, Ogg Vorbis 47MB or Stream)

In this episode Chris ‘Zeke’ Hand, Gwen Fisher and Rachel Ni Chuinn talk about dance in Montreal. Among the topics are; part 7 of an 11 part round table discussion from Circuit Est on Music and Dance with Guy Cools, Danièle Desnoyers, Louis Dufort, Matteo Fargion, José Navas and Fabienne Cabado. Heidi Miller and Bruce McKay discuss social dancing, Rhonda Meier, Gwen Fisher and Chris ‘Zeke’ Hand discuss the shows they saw last week (Rubberbandance Group‘s Post Hip Hop Project, Hofesh Schecter‘s Uprising & In Your Rooms, and Danses Buissonières) Gwen and Rachel read selections from the Awesome Montreal Dance Calendar and the theme song is performed by Johnny Rivers.

Originally published on Movement Museum

Miriam Ginestier, Studio 303, Circuit Est


Episode 109: [57:59](Download: MP3 69MB, Flac 578MB, Ogg Vorbis 43MB or Stream)

In this episode Chris ‘Zeke’ Hand, Gwen Fisher and Rachel Ni Chuinn talk about dance in Montreal. Among the topics are; The Dance Poem of the week which is an untitled poem by an unknown author read by Gwen Fisher, part 6 of an 11 part round table discussion from Circuit Est on Music and Dance with Guy Cools, Danièle Desnoyers, Louis Dufort, Matteo Fargion, José Navas and Fabienne Cabado. Miriam Ginestier is interviewed on the occasion of Studio 303‘s 20th anniversary, Gwen and Rachel read selections from the Awesome Montreal Dance Calendar and the auditions list, and the theme is “Do You Want To Dance” performed by Cliff Richard.

Originally published on Movement Museum