Category Archives: Interview

Zeke’s Alternate Art Interview with Patrick Duegaw and Elizabeth Stevenson


Episode 85: 15:24
MP3 MB / FLAC 59MB / Ogg Vorbis MB / Stream

Chris ‘Zeke’ Hand interviews Patrick Duegaw and Elizabeth Stevenson. Artists from Wichita Kansas who spend summers in Montreal. Patrick and Elizabeth are part of Fisch Haus, and Patrick is working on a series called The Builder Removed.

Originally published on Zeke’s Alternate Art #%^$#@!

Linette Doherty, Robin Henderson, Zoofest


Episode 84: [63:34]
Download: (MP3 82MB, Flac 281MB, Ogg Vorbis 48MB, Stream)

In this episode Chris ‘Zeke’ Hand interviews Linette Doherty about Metro, her piece that was performed at Zoofest. Part one of five of the Robin Henderson interview is played and Rachel Ni Chuinn and Zeke discuss the Awesome Montreal Dance Calendar and upcoming auditions for dancers in Montreal.

Originally published on Movement Museum

Zeke’s Alternate Art Interview with Rob Armatta


Episode 83: 14:59
MP3 19MB / FLAC 63MB / Ogg Vorbis 12MB / Stream

Chris ‘Zeke’ Hand interviews Rob Armatta of Armatta Gallery about his current exhibit by Guillaume Simoneau “Til Kingdom Comes…(or a Slight Difficulty to Breathe)”

Originally published on Zeke’s Alternate Art #%^$#@!

Fabienne Colas, Dansomania, Festival Dancing


Episode 82: [59:47]
Download: (MP3 85MB, Flac 272MB, Ogg Vorbis 50MB, Stream)

Chris ‘Zeke’ Hand interviews Fabienne Colas about Dansomania and Finn Upham presents step 8½ of her Montreal Dancing Diaries on Festival Dancing.

The videos discussed during the show:

Originally published on Movement Museum

Zeke’s Alternate Art Interview with Maja Vodanovic (Part 2)


Episode 78: 13:40
MP3 18MB / FLAC 69MB / Ogg Vorbis 11MB / Stream

Chris ‘Zeke’ Hand interviewing Croatian-Canadian artist Maja Vodanovic about her art and the process she goes through in creating it. (Part 2 of 2, the first part of the interview is available here.)

Originally published on Zeke’s Alternate Art #%^$#@!

Zeke’s Alternate Art Interview with Maja Vodanovic


Episode 75: 11:11
MP3 15MB / FLAC 57MB / Ogg Vorbis 8.5MB / Stream

Chris ‘Zeke’ Hand interviewing Croatian-Canadian artist Maja Vodanovic about her art and the process she goes through in creating it. (Part 1 of 2, the second part is now available here.)

Originally published on Zeke’s Alternate Art #%^$#@!

Tamara Ober, Jonno Katz


Episode 73: [59:16]
Download: (MP3 72MB, Flac 339MB, Ogg Vorbis 41MB, Stream)

Tamara Ober and Jonno Katz in a detailed discussion about how they make their work, the process. Along with the idea of dance at the Fringe Festival and how dance differs from movement.

Originally published on Movement Museum

Dancing at the Montreal Fringe Festival


Episode 70: [60:23]
Download: (MP3 74MB, Flac 305MB, Ogg Vorbis 45MB, Stream)

Tamara Ober from the show Pipa, Caroline Rochefort from Congestion artérielle à l’index, Mika Lior and Valerie Sabbah from As Duas, Kat Single-Dain from Cabaret l’Amour Fou, Laurel Roppelt, Holly Greco and Heather Keiller from A Line in the Sand, and Allison Elizabeth Burns, Vanessa Kneale and Joannie Pharand from Dancing in My Unbirthday Suit, all participating in a round table discussion about Dancing at the Fringe Festival.

Originally published on Movement Museum

Gerard Reyes


Episode 68: [58:33]
Download: (MP3 80MB, Flac 584MB, Ogg Vorbis 50MB, Stream)

Dorothy Saykaly and Chris ‘Zeke’ Hand interviewing freelance dancer Gerard Reyes.

Zeke’s Alternate Art Interview with Tyson Bodnarchuk


Episode 67: 16:52
MP3 22MB / FLAC 74MB / Ogg Vorbis 14MB / Stream

Chris ‘Zeke’ Hand interviewing Tyson Bodnarchuk about the “We Are 3” anniversary show at Headquarters Galerie & Boutique.

Originally published on Zeke’s Alternate Art #%^$#@!