Category Archives: Review

Yvann Alexandre, Sasha Kleinplatz, Andrew Tay


Episode 236: [56:38]
(Download: MP3 74MB, Flac 571MB, Ogg Vorbis 39MB or Stream)

In this episode Chris ‘Zeke’ Hand, Jenn Doan and Bettina Forget review All the Ladies by Sasha Kleinplatz and On Power and Permission… by Andrew Tay and then talk with Yvann Alexandre about his practice and the show Jumeaux.

The theme song is the Bobby Freeman‘s version of Do You Want to Dance, the dance poem of the week is The Dancers by Elizabeth Jennings, and the music played during the show is from The Exploding Star Orchestra‘s CD Stars Have Shapes.


Originally published on Movement Museum

Concerto Pour Clavecin et Chainsaw by Eric Robidoux


Episode 235 [9:00]
MP3 12MB / FLAC 40MB / Ogg Vorbis 6MB or Stream

Chris ‘Zeke’ Hand and Andrew Seo discussing Concerto Pour Clavecin et Chainsaw by Eric Robidoux.


Originally published on Zeke’s Alternate Art #%^$#@!

Subconscious Pink by Nik Mirus, Galerie Armatta, Cachez ce Mur 5, Cheval Blanc [Zeke’s Alternate Art Review]


Episode 234 [12:22]
MP3 16MB / FLAC 57MB / Ogg Vorbis 9MB or Stream

Chris ‘Zeke’ Hand in discussion with Lisyan Pieries about the exhibits Cachez ce Mur 5 at The Cheval Blanc and Subconscious Pink by Nik Mirus at Galerie Armatta.


Originally published on Zeke’s Alternate Art #%^$#@!

Marcel H. Poirier, Hotel Nelligan, Artur Zmijewski, Galerie de l’UQAM, Jason Gowans, Visual Voice Gallery [Zeke’s Alternate Art Review]


Episode 232 [17:58]
MP3 23MB / FLAC 164MB / Ogg Vorbis 12MB or Stream

Chris ‘Zeke’ Hand in conversation with Laura Robb and Lisyan Pieries about the Marcel H. Poirier exhibit at the Hotel Nelligan, the Artur Zmijewski exhibit Scenarios de Dissidence at the Galerie de l’UQAM and the Jason Gowans exhibit at Visual Voice Gallery.


Originally published on Zeke’s Alternate Art #%^$#@!

Sankai Juku, National Ballet of Canada, Les Grands Ballets Canadiens, Sylvain Émard Danse


Episode 231: [58:21]
(Download: MP3 73MB, Flac 576MB, Ogg Vorbis 39MB or Stream)

In this episode Chris ‘Zeke’ Hand, Bettina Forget and Jenn Doan review Sankai Juku‘s performance of Hibiki, Resonance From Far Away, The National Ballet of Canada‘s performance of 24 Preludes by Chopin and Emergence, and Les Grands Ballets Canadiens‘ performance of Léonce & Lena. Bettina talks about the 20th anniversary of Sylvain Émard Danse. Elizabeth Seyler discusses on the annual colloquium for tango research held at Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières by Professor France Joyal.

The theme song is the Fabulous Wailers version of Do You Want to Dance, the dance poem of the week is Hibiki, Resonance from Far Away by Ushio Amagatsu, and the music played during the show is from Anna Webber‘s CD Third Floor People.


Originally published on Movement Museum

Solid State Breakdance, Isobel Cohen, Maria Muñoz, Dominique Thomas, Andrée-Anne Ratthé, Thierry Huard, Peter Jasko


Episode 230: [73:26]
(Download: MP3 89MB, Flac 704MB, Ogg Vorbis 47MB or Stream)

In this episode Chris ‘Zeke’ Hand, Bettina Forget and Jenn Doan review Solid State Breakdance‘s Reunion and Solo Cello, Isobel Cohen‘s The Great Escape, Maria Muñoz’s Tous les noms, Dominique ThomasNocturne pour femmes oubliées, Andrée-Anne Ratthé’s Le déterminant un and Thierry Huard’s The Goddess’ Return, and interview Peter Jasko.

The theme song is an unknown version of Do You Want to Dance, the dance poem of the week is The Daunce of the Shepheards by Edmund Spenser, and the music played during the show is from the Pierre L’Abbe +12 CD Tremblement de Fer.


Originally published on Movement Museum

Alfred Pellan at the Centre d’exposition de l’Université de Montréal [Zeke’s Alternate Art Review]


Episode 226 [11:00]
MP3 15MB / FLAC 48MB / Ogg Vorbis 8MB or Stream

Chris ‘Zeke’ Hand discussing the Alfred Pellan retrospective at the Centre d’exposition de l’Université de Montréal with Lisyan Pieries.


Originally published on Zeke’s Alternate Art #%^$#@!

Russell T. Gordon, Over Easy – Metaphores en series [Zeke’s Alternate Art Review]


Episode 223 [11:36]
MP3 15MB / FLAC 53MB / Ogg Vorbis 8MB or Stream

Chris ‘Zeke’ Hand discussing Russell T. Gordon‘s exhibits called Over Easy – Metaphores en series at Stewart Hall and Galerie McClure with Lisyan Pieries


Originally published on Zeke’s Alternate Art #%^$#@!

Anti-Sublime and Paul Litherland [Zeke’s Alternate Art Review]


Episode 220 [14:52]
MP3 19MB / FLAC 64MB / Ogg Vorbis 11MB or Stream

Chris ‘Zeke’ Hand in conversation with Lisyan Pieries about the Anti-Sublime exhibit at the Maison de la Culture le Plateau and Paul Litherland‘s Force Majeure at Galerie Clark.


Originally published on Zeke’s Alternate Art #%^$#@!

The Anti-Sublime & Monde Ruelle Land [Zeke’s Alternate Art Rave & Interview]


Episode 218 [17:22]
Download: Part One
[5:48] MP3 7MB / FLAC 26MB / Ogg Vorbis MB
Download: Part Two [11:31] MP3 MB / FLAC 49MB / Ogg Vorbis 7MB
or Stream both parts

Chris ‘Zeke’ Hand talking about the Anti-Sublime exhibit at the Maison de la Culture le Plateau and with Marie-Claude Parenteau-Lebeuf from Monde Ruelle Land.


Originally published on Zeke’s Alternate Art #%^$#@!