Tag Archives: Marc Mayer

The EZ Montreal Art Podcast. Episode 12: The Canadian Biennale 2012; The Builders/Les bâtisseurs


In today’s episode Chris ‘Zeke’ Hand and Eloi Desjardins from Un Show de Mot’Arts discuss The Canadian Biennale 2012; The Builders/Les bâtisseurs.

The EZ Montreal Art Podcast episode 12

Listen (33:38):

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Specifically Marc Mayer, Edward Burtynsky, Michael Snow, broken art exhibited in museums, Qavavau Manumie, Headbutting, how the Canadian Bienniale 2012 is a colaboration between three museums, the annoying title, Dil Hildebrand, the layout and set up of the exhibit, the price of admission, Lynne Cohen, Max Dean, David Altmejd, the prices for Canadian art, Terence Gower, Chairs, Video Art, Headphones, HG Wells, Buckminster Fuller, Scripts, Parliament/Funkadelic, Aznan France, Zeke’s adolescence, Lynne Marsh, the waitress makes an interruption and Zeke goes to pay the bill, Marcel Dzama, David Hoffos, Wayne Baerwaldt (and it was Scott Burnham who walked out on the Montreal Bienniale), Young & Giroux, Jim Breukelman, Jon Pylypchuk, Brian Jungen, Michel De Broin, the surprising amount of artists in the show who have not exhibited in Montreal, Mark Soo, Benoît Aquin, 1972 Baseball Cards, Sarah Anne Johnson, Michael Merrill, Zeke’s nephew’s drawings, Winnie the Pooh, Marcel Duchamp, Bruce Nauman, Fluxus, Dada, The Clock, the Montreal Biennale, Manif d’art, Mois de la photo, Via Rail ticket sale, a suggestion for Marc Mayer, and the trivia question.

If you would like to hear the previous episodes of The EZ Montreal Art Podcast click here: Episode 11, Episode 10, Episode 9, Episode 8, Episode 7, Episode 6, Episode 5, Episode 4, Episode 3, Episode 2, Episode 1.

“the art fair equivalent of comfort food…”


I’m almost (almost) caught up with the backlog of links. And saw this write up of the Venice Biennale (notice no mention of Steven Shearer… Anyhow that write up led to this piece on The Clock (2010) by Christian Marclay that I was talking about last week.

Hey! Marc Mayer!!


Well it appears that my ambitions were just a little too small to start. Initially when moving everything over here (in case you didn’t know, these are the one, two, three, four other blogs that I combined to make this here one) my plan was to have about 10 to 15 minutes of new video everyday of the week.

But then I realized that video reviews of art exhibits might prove a tad difficult, and so I decided to also incorporate long (like 3,000+ words long) reviews. But then I realized that I missed commenting on various related things on the internet, like what I’m about to do. So, currently it appears like I will be writing about art, making videos about stuff, and commenting about things – if there is any change in the future I’ll let you know.

But in the meantime, back in May, the National Gallery of Canada and the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston bought themselves one of the more riveting videos I’ve ever seen (OK, I haven’t seen it, but I can imagine). Called The Clock (2010) and made by your favorite (and mine) Christian Marclay. As far as I can tell it’s a video of a bunch of clocks showing the time.

What makes everyone go “ooooohhhh!” and use words like “a mesmerizing work of video art that captures the dynamic nature of time…” is that if you press start at exactly noon (or midnight) you can tell time with it, because it lasts 24 hours.

Anyhows, first it’s going to Boston and they are doing some sort of big shindig there during La Rentrée. But in scanning the press folderol, it occurred to me that since there are Nuit Blanches in both Toronto and Montreal (and it seems even in Vancouver) that Mr. Mayer could get some good press for his (and our) museum if he loaned The Clock (2010) to places like the MOCCA and MACM and whatever place shows contemporary art in Vancouver during their respective Nuit Blanches – after all it’s only a hard drive hooked up to a large screen, right? – and shared this mesmerizing and riveting contemporary masterpiece with the citizens of the country on a night that they all try to stay up for 24 hours.

Whadya think?