Category Archives: Dance

Manon Oligny, BJM Danse, Pigeons International, Mayday Danse, Gabrielle Martin, Hi Wood,dumb type, Bouge D’ici


Episode 262: [58:19]
(Download: MP3 71MB, Flac 579MB, Ogg Vorbis 38MB or Stream)

In this episode Chris ‘Zeke’ Hand, Bettina Forget and Jenn Doan talk about and review Icônes, À VENDRE by Manon Oligny, BJM Danse Montréal‘s Rossini Cards, Zero in On, & Zip Zap Zoom, Grace à Dieu, Ton Corps by Pigeons International, Junkyard Paradise by Mayday Danse, Infractions by Gabrielle Martin, True by Hi Wood and dumb type, and Bouge D’ici‘s Common Space.

The theme song of the week is a Japanese version of Do You Want to Dance, the dance poem of the week is Poet to a Ballerina by Robert Lowell, This Week in Dance History highlights Glen Tetley, and the music played during the show is from the CD Signature: Live from the Egg Farm by Masahiko Satoh, Joelle Leandre and Yuji Takahashi.


Originally published on Movement Museum

Amy Blackmore, Holly Greco


Episode 260: [61:40]
(Download: MP3 74MB, Flac MB, Ogg Vorbis 40MB or Stream)

In this show Chris ‘Zeke’ Hand, and Jenn Doan talk to Amy Blackmore and Holly Greco about Bouge D’ici.

The theme song of the week is The Secret Swizzles‘ version of Do You Want to Dance, the dance poem of the week is The Dance by John Cowper Powys, This Week in Dance History highlights Mikhail Baryshnikov, and the music played during the show is from the CD Emerging Field by Faruq Z. Bey.


Originally published on Movement Museum

Winifred Burnet-Smith


Episode 259: [60:20]
(Download: MP3 74MB, Flac 599MB, Ogg Vorbis 38MB or Stream)

In this show Chris ‘Zeke’ Hand, Jenn Doan and Bettina Forget talk to Winifred Burnet-Smith a dancer with the Hofesh Shechter company.

The theme song of the week is Sharon Cuneta‘s version of Do You Want to Dance, the dance poem of the week is Salome by Pitts Sanborn, This Week in Dance History highlights George Balanchine, and the music played during the show is from the CD The Key is in the Window by Aaron Shragge and Ben Monder.



Originally published on Movement Museum

Lys Stevens, Stephanie Felkai


Episode 256: [58:30]
(Download: MP3 70MB, Flac 579MB, Ogg Vorbis 37MB or Stream)

In this episode Chris ‘Zeke’ Hand, Jenn Doan and Bettina Forget talk to Lys Stevens and Stephanie Felkai, founders of Movement Museum.

The theme song of the week is Barbie‘s version of Do You Want to Dance, the dance poem of the week is The Dancer by James Stephens, This Week in Dance History highlights José Navas, and the music played during the show is from Subtle Lip Can.

Stephanie Felkai


Lys Stevens


Originally published on Movement Museum

Amy Blackmore, David-Albert Toth, Emily Gaultieri, Helen Simard, Bouge d’ici


Episode 254: [58:57]
(Download: MP3 75MB, Flac 579MB, Ogg Vorbis 40MB or Stream)

In this episode Chris ‘Zeke’ Hand, Jenn Doan and Bettina Forget talk to Amy Blackmore, David-Albert Toth, Emily Gualtieri, and Helen Simard from and about the festival Bouge d’ici.

Left to Right: Helen Simard, Emily Gualtieri, David-Albert Toth, and Amy Blackmore

The theme song of the week is the Mamas and Papas‘s version of Do You Want to Dance, the dance poem of the week is The Dancer’s Reply by Howard Nemerov, This Week in Dance History highlights Rudolf Nureyev, and the music played during the show is from the Joe Sullivan Big Band‘s CD Northern Ontario Suite.


Originally published on Movement Museum

Lucas Hoving, Lourdes Lopez


Episode 252: [58:32]
(Download: MP3 56MB, Flac 524MB, Ogg Vorbis 34MB or Stream)

In this show Chris ‘Zeke’ Hand, plays interviews with Lucas Hoving and Lourdes Lopez.

The theme song of the week is Del Shannon‘s version of Do You Want to Dance, the dance poem of the week is Pavlova in London by James Elroy Flecker, This Week in Dance History highlights Gelsey Kirkland, Russ Tamblyn, José Greco, Maurice Béjart, Harold Rhéaume, Fernand Nault, and Eddy Toussaint, and the music played during the show is from the Henry Threadgill Zooid CD This Brings Us To.


Originally published on Movement Museum

Andrea Schermoly, William Wingfield and Ethel Butler


Episode 250: [63:12]
(Download: MP3 63MB, Flac 564MB, Ogg Vorbis 37MB or Stream)

In this episode Chris ‘Zeke’ Hand, plays interviews with Andrea Schermoly, William Wingfield and Ethel Butler.

The theme song of the week is The Queers‘ version of Do You Want to Dance, the dance poem of the week is Watching the Dance by James Merrill, This Week in Dance History highlights Paloma Herrera, Gilda Gray and Jose Greco, and the music played during the show is from Mike Pride’s From Bacteria to Boys CD Betweenwhile.


Originally published on Movement Museum

Inertia Productions, The Art of Ballet, Maria Kochetkova, Out of Grace, Lynda Gaudreau


Episode 248: [58:26]
(Download: MP3 66MB, Flac 567MB, Ogg Vorbis 37MB or Stream)

In this episode Chris ‘Zeke’ Hand, Jenn Doan and Bettina Forget talk about Inertia Productions and The Art of Ballet DVD box set, play an interview with Maria Kochetkova, and review Out of Grace; a project by Lynda Gaudreau.

The theme song of the week is T-Rex‘s version of Do You Want to Dance, the dance poem of the week is Of Dancing by Alan Brownjohn, This Week in Dance History highlights Dan Dailey and Charles Laskey, and the music played during the show is from Joost Buis and the Astronotes’s CD Zoomin.


Originally published on Movement Museum

Germán Jauregui


Episode 245: [59:35]
(Download: MP3 74MB, Flac 606MB, Ogg Vorbis 40MB or Stream)

In this episode Chris ‘Zeke’ Hand, Kallee Lins and Bettina Forget talk with Germán Jauregui.

The theme song of the week is Johnny Rivers‘ version of Do You Want to Dance, the dance poem of the week is Spanish Dancer by Rainer Maria Rilke, This Week in Dance History highlights 100th birthday of Hermes Pan, and the music played during the show is from the Kelly Jefferson Quartet‘s CD Next Exit.


Originally published on Movement Museum

Fortier Danse-Création, Red Bull Flying Bach, Coleman Lemieux & Sun Ra Arkestra, Tribune 840


Episode 242: [59:25]
(Download: MP3 72MB, Flac 591MB, Ogg Vorbis 39MB or Stream)

In this episode Chris ‘Zeke’ Hand, Kallee Lins and Bettina Forget talk about and review recent performances by Fortier Danse-Création, Red Bull Flying Bach, Coleman Lemieux & Sun Ra Arkestra, and the round table discussion Tribune 840 n°8 on Y a-t-il quelque chose à comprendre à la danse contemporaine?

The theme song of the week is Cliff Richard & The Shadows‘ version of Do You Want to Dance, the dance poem of the week is The Bayadères by Sacheverell Sitwell, This Week in Dance History highlights 21st anniversary of the death of Alvin Ailey, and the music played during the show is from Sun Ra and his Intergalactic Solar Arkestra’s CD Space is the Place.


Originally published on Movement Museum