Category Archives: Interview

José Navas & Mark Lanctôt


Episode 136: [64:02]
(Download: MP3 80MB, Flac 657MB, Ogg Vorbis 51MB or Stream)

In this episode José Navas talks about the creation his pieces Villanelle and S as well as discussing his practice and dance in general. Before, both José Navas and Mark Lanctôt discuss the Tacita Dean piece Merce Cunningham performs STILLNESS (in three movements) to John Cage’s composition 4’33” with Trevor Carlson, New York City, 28 April 2007 that is at the Musée d’art contemporain de Montréal until January 3, 2010.

The theme song is sung by Petty Booka, the dance poem of the week is The Empty Dance Shoes by Cornelius Eady and the music played during the show is from Invisible Cities by William Beauvais.

Allison Elizabeth Burns, Gwen Fisher and Chris ‘Zeke’ Hand

Eloi Desjardins and the Toronto International Art Fair [Zeke’s Alternate Art Interview]


Episode 133 [11:52]
MP3 15MB / FLAC 49MB / Ogg Vorbis 10MB or Stream

Chris ‘Zeke’ Hand talking to Eloi Desjardins of Un Show de Mot’Arts about the Toronto International Art Fair.

Originally published on Zeke’s Alternate Art #%^$#@!

Paul White, Allison Elizabeth Burns and Amy Blackmore


Episode 127: [58:12](Download: MP3 73MB, Flac 301MB, Ogg Vorbis 47MB or Stream)

In this epsiode Paul White is interviewed about ‘construct’ by Tanja Liedtke, Allison Elizabeth Burns and Amy Blackmore talk about about CoMotion Farm’s Dance Week and the Indyish Dance Mess. The final part of an 11 part round table discussion from Circuit Est on Music and Dance with Guy Cools, Danièle Desnoyers, Louis Dufort, Matteo Fargion, José Navas and Fabienne Cabado is played. Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui‘s Sutra is reviewed. The theme song is performed by Barbie, the background music is from the album ‘Inside the Outside’ by Geordie McDonald and the poem of the week is Dark Pines Under Water Gwendolyn MacEwen.

Originally published on Movement Museum

Cameron Skene on Artists’ Deaths [Zeke’s Alternate Art Interview]


Episode 126 [23:26]
MP3 30MB / FLAC 112MB / Ogg Vorbis 20MB or Stream

Chris ‘Zeke’ Hand interviewing Cameron Skene about what happens upon the death of an artist.

Originally published on Zeke’s Alternate Art #%^$#@!

Zeke’s Alternate Art Interview with Kat Coric


Episode 125 [45:27]
MP3 51MB / FLAC 492MB / Ogg Vorbis MB or Stream

Chris ‘Zeke’ Hand conducting a three part interview Kat Coric about being a Croatian/Canadian artist, an HIV/AIDS activist, and being Kat Coric.

Originally published on Zeke’s Alternate Art #%^$#@!

Gregory ‘Krypto’ Selinger, Nicolas ‘Forty’ Nguyen, Daeyeong ‘Tabu’ An and Soo Yeon Cho


Episode 123: [61:26](Download: MP3 77MB, Flac 616MB, Ogg Vorbis 48MB or Stream)

In this episode there is a round table discussion on Post Hip Hop dance with Gregory ‘Krypto‘ Selinger, Nicolas ‘Forty’ Nguyen, Daeyeong ‘Tabu’ An and Soo Yeon Cho, reviews of Man + Mouse, Lado, and Victoria by Dulcinée Langfelder & Cie. The theme song is performed by the Mamas and the Papas, the background music is from the album ‘Figment’ by Matt Haimovitz and the poem of the week is but if a living dance upon dead minds by ee cummings.

Originally published on Movement Museum

Zeke’s Alternate Art Interview with Benjamin Klein of Division Gallery


Episode 121 [43:18]
MP3 52MB / FLAC 348MB / Ogg Vorbis 35MB or Stream

Chris ‘Zeke’ Hand conducting a three part interview with Benjamin Klein, the director of Division Gallery.

Originally published on Zeke’s Alternate Art #%^$#@!

Zeke’s Alternate Art Interview with David Gillanders


Episode 120 [18:52]
MP3 MB / FLAC 75MB / Ogg Vorbis MB or Stream

Chris ‘Zeke’ Hand interviewing David Gillanders about his shows at the Meridien Hotel, Galerie Trois Points and the Art Gallery of Northumberland.

Originally broadcast on the Monday Morning After on CKUT 90.3 FM, Montreal.

Yvan Joly


Episode 119: [59:36](Download: MP3 77MB, Flac 291MB, Ogg Vorbis 49MB or Stream)

In this episode Yvan Joly explains the Feldenkrais Method of Somatic Education. Part 10 of an 11 part round table discussion from Circuit Est on Music and Dance with Guy Cools, Danièle Desnoyers, Louis Dufort, Matteo Fargion, José Navas and Fabienne played. The theme song is performed by Del Shannon. And the background music is from the album ‘One Take’ by Don Thompson and Reg Schwager.

Originally published on Movement Museum

Zeke’s Alternate Film Interview with Robby Reis, Jessica Petunia & Siraj Chewbose


Episode 115 [30:47]
MP3 41MB / FLAC 316MB / Ogg Vorbis 24MB or Stream

Chris ‘Zeke’ Hand interviews Robby Reis, Jessica Petunia & Siraj Chewbose about their film SUHA.

Originally published on Zeke’s Alternate Art #%^$#@!