Category Archives: Whiskey

Rye Whiskey


Last night I led a tasting and made a presentation on Rye Whiskey for Whisky Montreal. If you’d like a copy, it is available here.

Or here:

Whisky Montreal’s Soirée Canadienne


Back in May, I gave a presentation on Canadian Whiskies. We tasted Canadian Club 20 Year Old, Wiser’s 18 Year Old, Crown Royal Cask 16 and, Danfield’s 21 Year Old. I filmed most of it. If you’d like to download it, feel free.

Whisky Montreal’s Soirée Canadienne

Episode 611 (65:02)
h.264 386MB, Ogg Video 283MB, MPEG2-TS 6.1GB, BitTorrent.

Five Whiskeys from the Buffalo Trace Distillery (my presentation on bourbons for Whisky Montreal)


Last month I gave a presentation as part of a whiskey tasting that the club Whisky Montreal hosted at the Masonic Memorial Temple. We tasted Buffalo Trace, Eagle Rare, Blanton’s Special Reserve, Hancock’s Reserve and Rock Hill Farms.

Be forewarned, it is long, and the sound isn’t so great because of the massive echo in the lobby of the temple, which is where we were located. If you would like a copy of my notes or the handout, click on the appropriate link.

Submitted without comment


I recently had these (short) conversations on Twitter:


Which led to this conversation, by email:

Gmail Chris ‘Zeke’ Hand <>

Cheap wines
8 messages

Chris ‘Zeke’ Hand <> Fri, Mar 29, 2013 at 9:44 AM
To: Pierre Couture

I don’t know where you got your figures from, but according to the SAQ
website there are currently 954 wines under $15 available.*&sensTri=&facet=price_CAD%253A%2528%257B*%2B14.99%257D%2B14.99%2529&storeId=20002

I also count 112 wines that are less than $10.

All of which would lead me to question your 2009 figures as well.

Chris ‘Zeke’ Hand
Hear what I’ve been talking about recently

Couture, Pierre  Fri, Mar 29, 2013 at 11:54 AM
To: Chris ‘Zeke’ Hand <>
Certains vins ne sont pas disponibles en succursales, seulement sur le Web.

Pierre Couture
Journaliste, section Affaires
Le Soleil
Bureau : (XXX) XXX-XXXX, poste XXXX
Mobile : (XXX) XXX-XXXX

Le 13-03-29 09:44, « Chris ‘Zeke’ Hand » <> a écrit :

[Quoted text hidden]

Chris ‘Zeke’ Hand <> Fri, Mar 29, 2013 at 12:03 PM
To: “Couture, Pierre”

Again, according to their online database, they are out of stock on 68
and there are currently 886 available in outlets, and of the 280 that
are available on line, 100% are available in outlets.

Your facts are wrong.

Chris ‘Zeke’ Hand
Hear what I’ve been talking about recently


[Quoted text hidden]

Couture, Pierre Fri, Mar 29, 2013 at 2:53 PM
To: Chris ‘Zeke’ Hand <>
Sorry buddy, the numbers came directly from SAQ. You’re lost !

Pierre Couture
Journaliste, section Affaires
Le Soleil
Bureau : (XXX) XXX-XXXX, poste XXXX
Mobile : (XXX) XXX-XXXX
Le 13-03-29 12:03, « Chris ‘Zeke’ Hand » <> a écrit :

[Quoted text hidden]

Chris ‘Zeke’ Hand <> Fri, Mar 29, 2013 at 8:17 PM
To: “Couture, Pierre”

In your article you write: “Les données compilées par M. Gagnon…”
Does he work for the SAQ? and if he does, why do you write “le
chroniqueur en vin et éditeur du magazine, Marc André
Gagnon.” Instead of something like SAQ VP of Database Marc André

Click on the link to the SAQ’s website that I sent you. The numbers do
not correspond.

Chris ‘Zeke’ Hand
Hear what I’ve been talking about recently


[Quoted text hidden]

Couture, Pierre  Tue, Apr 2, 2013 at 7:33 PM
To: Chris ‘Zeke’ Hand <>
Il faut calculer seulement les bouteilles de vins de 750 ml. Pas les
formats de 250 ml, de 500 ml, d’un litre et le 1,5 litre.

Pierre Couture
Journaliste, section Affaires
Le Soleil
Bureau : (XXX) XXX-XXXX, poste XXXX
Mobile : (XXX) XXX-XXXX
Le 13-03-29 12:03, « Chris ‘Zeke’ Hand » <> a écrit :

>Again, according to their online database, they are out of stock on 68
>and there are currently 886 available in outlets, and of the 280 that
>are available on line, 100% are available in outlets.
>Your facts are wrong.
>Chris ‘Zeke’ Hand
>Hear what I’ve been talking about recently
>On Fri, Mar 29, 2013 at 11:54 AM, Couture, Pierre
>> Certains vins ne sont pas disponibles en succursales, seulement sur le
>> Pierre Couture
>> Journaliste, section Affaires
>> Le Soleil
>> Bureau : (XXX) XXX-XXXX, poste XXXX
>> Mobile : (XXX) XXX-XXXX
>> Le 13-03-29 09:44, « Chris ‘Zeke’ Hand » <> a écrit :
>>>I don’t know where you got your figures from, but according to the SAQ
>>>website there are currently 954 wines under $15 available.

[Quoted text hidden]

Chris ‘Zeke’ Hand <> Wed, Apr 3, 2013 at 8:25 AM
To: “Couture, Pierre”

Dude, it’s the 3rd different excuse you’ve tried. Your credibility is shot.

Chris ‘Zeke’ Hand
Hear what I’ve been talking about recently


[Quoted text hidden]

Couture, Pierre Wed, Apr 3, 2013 at 9:32 AM
To: Chris ‘Zeke’ Hand <>
Fuck you !

Pierre Couture
Journaliste, section Affaires
Le Soleil
Bureau : (XXX) XXX-XXXX, poste XXXX
Mobile : (XXX) XXX-XXXX
Le 13-04-03 08:25, « Chris ‘Zeke’ Hand » <> a écrit :

[Quoted text hidden]

I’m not quite certain what to make of it, although now, there are 945 wines available at the SAQ that are under $15. Of those 774 are in 750ml containers.

April 2013 Montreal Restaurant List


I uploaded a new Montreal Restaurant List. Some of the places I visited that made it over to the Done and Worth Going Back side of the page are: Chez Ma Tante, Plâts De Pates Hong Mère, Casa Minhota, Gibeau Orange Julep, Prohibition, Les Temps Nouveaux and La Tornade.

Montreal Restaurant Image Search
Montreal Restaurant Image Search

As per normal, a simple comparison to the previous list will let you know which restaurants didn’t make the cut.

Remember to print it up double-sided and keep it in your wallet so that you have it with you at all times when it might prove useful – that or download it to your phone. As per usual if you have any comments, suggestions or ideas, please feel free to email me at And if anyone is interested, the previous versions have been downloaded more than 4,700 times

The February 2013 Montreal Restaurant List


There’s a new and updated Montreal restaurant list available. New to the Done and Worth Going Back side are Burgundy Lion, La Drinkerie Ste.Cunégonde, l’Espace Public, Evoo, Nacho Libre, Piesanna, Le Seingalt and La Succursale. Although most were added to the Good Places to Drink section. It seems that I have figured out how to handle the cold…

I’ll leave it up to you to figure out which restaurants are no longer on the list.

Remember to print it up double-sided and keep it in your wallet so that you have it with you at all times when it might prove useful – that or download it to your phone. As per usual if you have any comments, suggestions or ideas, please feel free to email me at And if anyone is interested, the previous versions have been downloaded more than 3,900 times.

Montreal Restaurant List (January 2013 version)


I’ve updated the Montreal Restaurant List. L’Arrivage, Cocagne, Hotel Herman, Le Renard, La Soupiere made it from the To Try side to the Done and Worth Going Back side. I also added a bunch of Sandwich places (I guess I’m trying to do lunch more often) along with Inferno, Manger Avec Eric, Café Mardi Gras, Rodizio Brasil and Santa Barbara, among others.

I’ll leave it up to you to figure out which restaurants are no longer on the list.

Remember to print it up double-sided and keep it in your wallet so that you have it with you at all times when it might prove useful – that or download it to your phone. As per usual if you have any comments, suggestions or ideas, please feel free to email me at And if anyone is interested, the previous versions have been downloaded almost 3,800 times.

The Montreal Restaurant List, November version


I’ve updated the Montreal Restaurant List. A couple of places have been taken off the “to try” side, some to disappear forever some to make to the “done and worth going back side.” And there have been some additions to the “to try” side as well. I’ve also added a list of “Must Eat” dishes at some iconic restaurants in town.

Remember to print it up double-sided and keep it in your wallet so that you have it with you at all times when it might prove useful – that or download it to your phone. As per usual if you have any comments, suggestions or ideas, please feel free to email me at And if anyone is interested, the previous versions have been downloaded more than 2,300 times.

The October (ok, late September) Restaurant List is up


It’s been a while. We jump from version 3.01 to 3.04. Numerous changes all over the place, both on the places to try side and on the worthwhile side. On top of that I also did some changes to the formatting. Hopefully, it will make it easier to read. Zeke’s October Montreal Restaurant List.

Remember to print it up double-sided and keep it in your wallet so that you have it with you at all times when it might prove useful – that or download it to your phone. And if anybody is interested the list has been downloaded about 830 times, so far.

Interview with High West’s David Perkins


Believe it or not, you can actually get some of High West’s products here in Quebec. Specifically Rendezvous and Silver Western Oat. Yossi over at JewMalt interviewed High West proprietor and distiller David Perkins.

It looks like I’m going to have to try and get myself to Utah one of these days…