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Back in February I interviewed Jason Nelsons, chef/owner of Le Renard Artisan Bistro. Initially it was going to be a video, a long video. But things being what they are it morphed into an audio interview, and extremely long audio interview. So I have chopped it into two parts. The first part is here, and the second part is below:
Back in February I interviewed Jason Nelsons, chef/owner of Le Renard Artisan Bistro. Initially it was going to be a video, a long video. But things being what they are it morphed into an audio interview, and extremely long audio interview. So I have chopped it into two parts. The first part is here, today, and the second part will be published next Monday.
Be forewarned, it is long, and the sound isn’t so great because of the massive echo in the lobby of the temple, which is where we were located. If you would like a copy of my notes or the handout, click on the appropriate link.